Request a Repair

Repair Procedure

Repairs Procedure - This section sets out what you should do if your Vehicle needs a repair. It is important that you follow this procedure. Should you decide to give permission to a Repairer / Approved Repairer to commence or complete repair work, without a Repair Number being obtained, we will not meet your Repair Cost. This is because you have denied us our right to fully investigate your repair and/or inspect your Vehicle and determine any faults.

Note: The Repairs Office opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, telephone 0203 939 5590.

Report Any Suspected Fault In 7 Days

If you believe that any fault may be the subject of a repair under the terms of Your Plan (even if you are not sure) you should report the fault to us either by telephone or email as soon as possible. Any failure to report any suspected Breakdown or Failure within 7 days may result in the repair being declined. To report a suspected fault please call our Repairs Office on 0203 393 5590 and speak to a member of our Repairs team, or email quoting your vehicle registration and plan number.


You should stop driving your Vehicle immediately if you become aware that there is a dashboard warning showing a fault. You should also stop if there is any other indication such as an unusual vibration or noise, leaking water, oil or steam. If you aggravate any Breakdown or Failure causing further damage, we may not settle the Repair Cost. No repair work should commence before we have approved it and issued a Repair Number.

Please take your vehicle to any VAT registered

Repairer of your choice, or an Approved Repairer. To locate an Approved Repairer if available in your area please call 0203 393 5590.

Repairs outside of the UK

If your Vehicle suffers a breakdown whilst outside of the UK, you will need to make your own recovery arrangements. Should your vehicle suffer a breakdown outside of the UK, it will not be covered as part of your policy.

Tell Us About Any Intended Repairs Within 30 Days

Your Repairer /Approved Repairer can call our Repairs Office on 0203 393 5590 and request an email of an assessment form if preferred. When we receive the completed assessment form, we will consider your repair request notified.

You and/or your Repairer / Approved Repairer

You and/or your Repairer / Approved Repairer are to notify us of the following information within 30 days of reporting a suspected fault:

  • Your Plan number (found on your Plan Schedule) and/or Your Vehicle registration or VIN number and your full name and address;
  • the Part(s) believed to be at fault including part numbers;
  • the date the Part failed, and the mileage recorded on the Vehicle at that time;
  • an estimate for the total Repair Cost which itemises diagnostics, Part(s) and Labour;
  • Details of your Vehicle's Service Handbook including service history if required;
  • A printed report of any On Board Diagnostics (OBD) information. Whilst illumination of a dashboard warning light or the registration of a fault code within the Vehicle's onboard diagnostic system may indicate a fault, it is not in itself proof of the Breakdown or Failure Due of any Part within the terms of Your Plan;

When you or your Repairer / Approved Repairer notifies us of the faults on your car, you accept that we may correspond with your Repairer / Approved Repairer directly on your behalf in relation to repairs under Your Plan.

Diagnostic And Dismantling

It is your own responsibility to authorise any preliminary diagnostics together with the dismantling of any Part of your Vehicle as may be required by your Repairer / Approved Repairer (or recommended by an Independent Vehicle Examiner) for an accurate determination of any Breakdown or Failure. Your Plan will only pay for such diagnostic and dismantling work, if reasonable and if assessed by us as being within the cost of a valid repair, otherwise all such work is at your own risk and expense.

On receipt of all information detailed in the section above, we will confirm to you and your Repairer / Approved Repairer:

That the Part is included within the terms of Your Plan and whether we exercise our discretion and authorise the Repair Cost and issue a Repair Number or,

Whether we require your Vehicle or Part(s) to be examined, at our expense, by an Independent Vehicle Examiner prior to us making any firm decision or,

Whether we require your Vehicle, or a Part, at our expense, to be transported for examination to a Repairer / Approved Repairer of our choice.

An examination of the Vehicle, any Part or documentation by an Independent Vehicle Examiner may be required before we authorise the Repair Cost. When this right is exercised, we shall have no liability for any loss to you or arising from any delay your Repairer / Approved Repairer may have in commencing repairs. We may also recharge the cost of any attempted and failed inspection of your Vehicle against any subsequent authorised amount, due to your Repairer / Approved Repairer failing to present your Vehicle and/or any Part at a previously arranged time and date. The approximate cost of an average inspection is £120.00 including VAT.

From time to time, we may require additional supporting documentation in order to assist us in validating a repair such as the Vehicle's V5 logbook, insurance certificate, previous MoT's, recovery, vehicle hire, hotel, ferry or fuel receipts etc.

If your Repairs are Completed at an Approved Repairer

When your repairs are accepted and approved, we will issue the Repair Number and the authorised Repair Cost in writing to the Approved Repairer. We will endeavour to settle the Repair Cost for any validated repair within the Single Repair Limit, subject to the terms and conditions of Your Plan within 7 days.

We will issue you with a confirmation letter which will itemise the authorised Repair Cost. You will have to settle any amounts over the authorised Repair Cost directly with the Approved Repairer if they exceed what your policy covers.

If Your Repairs Are Completed at Any Other VAT Registered Repairer

If you are using your own Repairer, you may have to settle their charges in full and then request the Repair Cost from us.

We will issue you with a confirmation letter which will itemise the authorised Repair Cost and includes a section for you to complete. You must complete and return this form to us. You will have to settle any amounts over the authorised Repair Cost directly with the Repairer.

  • The completed and signed confirmation form accepting the authorised Repair Cost;
  • A copy of your Repairer's VAT invoice addressed to you c/o Warranty Experts Ltd, Level 18, 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom, E14 5NR. Your Repairer / Approved Repairer should include the Repair Number, your Vehicle registration number and Your Plan number on the invoice. If you do not provide a Repairer's invoice addressed to Warranty Experts Ltd, we will not be able to reimburse you the VAT amount;
  • Any other supporting documentation we may have requested.

On receipt of the above information, we will endeavour to settle the Repair Cost for any validated repair within the Single Repair Limit, subject to the terms and conditions of Your Plan within 7 days.


Warranty Experts
Level 18 40 Bank Street,
Canary Wharf, London,
United Kingdom, E14 5NR


+44 845 591 7596


Business Hours

Monday to Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm